Friday 3 March 2017


By Eugene Malele

Catfishing - This is when a person creates Facebook account, Twitter page or any social media account using other people’s credentials. This are the ones who pretend to be people they are not on social media. click here  for more definitions
Image result for person hiding his face
know who you are chatting with

My experience about catfishing

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fake pictures used on social media
This catfish thing ruin our reputation because there was also a person who used to create a Facebook account using my names and my pictures. This person used to inbox people he never knew and ask for their contact numbers and when they ask him to send them his pictures he was Photo shopping my pictures using my head but different body. This person was also joining the online dating, he used to chat with people he never know or met in his entire life, but surprisingly this person refused or ignored the video chat because he used the fake profile to create the page, and it was not an easy thing for him to meet the people he was chatting with or dating via social media platforms.

What made me realise was that, There are people who knew me from Facebook and some of them said" why do you act like you don't know us, but on Facebook you keep telling us this and that and now because we met in real life you pretend as if you don't know us", so it came to a point where I searched for that accounts, and I found that there are operating account created by my names and the person using that account keeps on photos shopping my pictures and post them on the wall of that account so that people can comment on more. 

 Ways to prevent catfishing

1. You don't have to disclose your personal information online, use information that you won’t regret after publishing, meaning that you have to be careful and think properly before you post.

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know who's calling you
2. You have to make sure that people who are contacting you are people whom you know, know where they are from and think of whatever they want from you, if what they want is not necessarily do not give it to them.know who's calling you
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do not send money to strangers
3. If you are joining the online dating make sure that you don't just send money to people you find on social networks and also make sure  that you are communicating with people whom you can meet at any time, in fact people who are near where you are staying.

4. You need to make sure that you are chatting with a person who does not hide himself or herself or an unknown person, to be sure about that you have to use online videos so that you can be able to see the person you are communicating with.


SaveTNet is here to help those who are facing the social media problems like Catfishing. click here to see how can saveTNet help you